This united front is so broad that it includes the working class, the peasantry, the urban petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie. 这个统一战线是如此广大,它包含了工人阶级、农民阶级、城市小资产阶级和民族资产阶级。
The upper petty bourgeoisie referred to here are small industrialists and merchants employing workers or assistants. 这里所说的上层小资产阶级,是指雇佣工人或店员的小规模的工商业者。
A considerable part of the petty bourgeoisie vacillates. 小资产阶级中间有相当大一部分人是动摇的。
In normal times these three sections of the petty bourgeoisie differ in their attitude to the revolution. 以上所说小资产阶级的三部分,对于革命的态度,在平时各不相同;
You this pure petty bourgeoisie ah, I put coffee to you to open. 你这纯粹的小资啊,我把咖啡给你打开。
Basically, the workers, the peasants and the urban petty bourgeoisie are still the motive forces of the revolution, but now there may be the national bourgeoisie as well. 革命的动力,基本上依然是工人、农民和城市小资产阶级,现在则可能增加一个民族资产阶级。
Because in the epoch of imperialism the petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie cannot lead any genuine revolution to victory. 在帝国主义时代,小资产阶级和民族资产阶级不可能领导任何真正的革命到胜利,原因就在此。
Sun Yat-sen had the petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie in mind. 孙中山的意思是说小资产阶级和民族资产阶级。
At first populism is an ideological trend of petty bourgeoisie of a kind of peasant appearing in Russia. 民粹主义是最初出现在俄国的一种农民小资产阶级思潮。
Petty bourgeoisie's scholar lacks the historical sense of duty most. 而小资们恰恰是最没历史责任感的一群。
Sometimes I want to have cups of tea with friend as a petty bourgeoisie. 有时候我想和朋友一起去品茶,偶尔享受小资的生活。
This is clearly proved by the fact that the many revolutions led by China's petty bourgeoisie and national bourgeoisie all failed. 中国的小资产阶级和民族资产阶级曾经多次领导过革命,都失败了,就是明证。
Among the proletariat many retain petty-bourgeois ideas, while both the peasants and the urban petty bourgeoisie have backward ideas; these are burdens hampering them in their struggle. 无产阶级中还有许多人保留着小资产阶级的思想,农民和城市小资产阶级都有落后的思想,这些就是他们在斗争中的负担。
This section is a minority among the petty bourgeoisie and constitutes its right-wing. 这一部分人在小资产阶级中占少数,是小资产阶级的右翼。
Their influence is very great among the workers, peasants and urban petty bourgeoisie throughout the country and is also quite considerable among the middle forces. 他们在全国工人、农民和城市小资产阶级中的影响是很大的,在中间势力中亦有相当影响。
This section is very numerous, making up about one-half of the petty bourgeoisie. 这一部分人数甚多,大概占小资产阶级的一半。
It is inevitable that the bourgeoisie and petty bourgeoisie will give expression to their own ideologies. 资产阶级、小资产阶级,他们的思想意识是一定要反映出来的。
The armed struggle was initiated by the petty bourgeoisie. 武装斗争是由小资产阶级所发动的。
The petty bourgeoisie is also demanding resistance. 中国的小资产阶级也是要反抗的。
Our closest friends are the entire semi-proletariat and petty bourgeoisie. 一切半无产阶级、小资产阶级,是我们最接近的朋友。
The staunch ally of the proletariat is the peasantry, and next comes the urban petty bourgeoisie. 无产阶级的坚固的同盟者是农民,其次是城市小资产阶级。
Which part of the petty bourgeoisie do they chiefly represent? 他们主要代表小资产阶级范畴里哪一部分人呢?
We have many comrades who are still not very clear on the difference between the proletariat and the petty bourgeoisie. 我们有许多同志还不大清楚无产阶级和小资产阶级的区别。
The political forces of the bourgeoisie, the petty bourgeoisie and the proletariat are the new political forces which have emerged and grown simultaneously with this new capitalist economy. 同这种资本主义新经济同时发生和发展着的新政治力量,就是资产阶级、小资产阶级和无产阶级的政治力量。
Without the workers and the peasants and other sections of the petty bourgeoisie, you cannot move a step. 离了工人、农民和其他小资产阶级,你就不能走动一步。
Advocating Petty Bourgeoisie in disguise whitewash. 鼓吹小资情调是变相的粉饰太平。
At that time we were chiefly attacking the bourgeoisie, its intellectuals and the parties of the petty bourgeoisie, which resulted in our self-isolation. 当时主要打击的是资产阶级、资产阶级的知识分子和小资产阶级的政党。这样做的结果,把我们自己孤立起来了。
One-third to the left progressives, representing the petty bourgeoisie. 左派进步分子占三分之一,他们代表小资产阶级。
The petty bourgeoisie in agriculture and handicrafts and the bourgeoisie in industry and commerce have both experienced changes. 农业和手工业方面的小资产阶级和工商业资产阶级,都发生了变化。